DarkPlaces engine for AmigaOS4
AmigaOS4 Port by HunoPPC Amiga French Team 2025
DarkPlaces glquake engine for AmigaOS4
Important: This engine require a big fast ram for the HD texturing, if you have a low ram please remove all .pk3 on ID1 and enjoy on low texturing.
For running quake 1:
Please copy on Dir "ID1" your shareware pak0.pak and pak1.pak, thank you.
And click on Start-DarkplacesOS4 and enjoy
For optimized your config on Darkplaces engine please edit "Start-DarkplacesOS4" and change your choices:
Actually you have this command line : darkplaces-sdl -quake -sndspeed 44100 -sndbits 16 -bpp 32 -widht 1024 -height 768
Version 0.95 beta 2:
-Fixed problems and error on OS4.1 FE upd2
-Added individual EGL_Wrap version
-Added individual MiniGL version
Version 0.95 beta 1:
- First relase, just tested on my X1000
- Included all lib on static for problems on shared objects Versions
- Fixed audio
- Fixed PNG render
- Fixed JPEG render
- Fixed endianess on all renders
- Added a unique bundle of .pk3 just for this version OS4, a big work for run faster on amiga machine
- Fixed lan engine
- Added and fixed new server of quakeworld
Version 0.96 R1:
- Fixed load freetype2 on static lib
- Fixed error on loading fonts
- Fixed liberation libcurl at exit
- Fixed filematch path
- HD-Pack Ultra is now include
- After quit crash system
In the future:
* Add all other HD texture
* Fix all free ressources
* Add all feature for opengl
About the DarkPlaces glquake engine:
DarkPlaces engine was started because I was unsatisfied with the other engines available soon after the quake source release (which did little more than add some flashy effects), and craved modding features for my DarkPlaces mod, and wanted some real enhancements to the online gaming experience as well.
DarkPlaces engine is the result, I hope everyone likes it.
I am not very good at writing documentation, so this readme is organized as a feature list, with information on each feature, I hope it is still adequate documentation.
If you have any suggestions for features to document in detail in the readme or any other questions/comments/bugreports/suggestions/etc, send me an email with the address lordhavoc ghdigital com (add @ and . characters as appropriate)
Supported games:
Quake : -quake, this is active by default, gamedirs: id1
Quake: Scourge of Armagon : -hipnotic or hipnotic in executable name or path, gamedirs: hipnotic, id1
Quake: Dissolution of Eternity : -rogue or rogue in executable name or path, gamedirs: rogue, id1
Nexuiz : -nexuiz or nexuiz in executable name or path, gamedirs: data
Nehahra : -nehahra or nehahra in executable name or path, gamedirs: nehahra, id1
GoodVsBad2 : -goodvsbad2 or gvb2 in executable name or path, gamedirs: rts
BattleMech : -battlemech or battlemech in executable name or path, gamedirs: base
PrydonGate : -prydon or prydon in executable name or path, gamedirs: prydon
These games are considered officially supported, if any problems are seen, please make sure you are running the latest version of the game and engine, if you are, please report the problem.
Graphics features:
Redesigned effects including smoke, blood, bubbles and explosions.
Better looking dynamic lights.
External texture support (see Replacement Content section below)
Realtime bumpmapped lighting/shadowing support (r_shadow_realtime_world cvar) with many options. (note: very slow if you do not have .rtlights files installed, be sure to get some from dpmod or search on the web for rtlights files)
.rtlights file support (improves performance/appearance of realtime lighting)
.rtlights file editing (see r_editlights_help in game)
Alpha blended sprites (instead of glquake's masked sprites).
Interpolated entity movement and animations (both models and sprites).
Overbright and fullbright support on walls and models (like winquake).
Colormapping support on any q1 model (like winquake).
Fog (set with "fog density red green blue" command)
Skybox (loadsky "mtnsun_" will load "env/mtnsun_ft.tga" and so on).
Sky rendering improved (no more glquake distortion).
Sky polygons obscure geometry just like in winquake.
Color calibration menu to ensure a proper Quake experience.
Improved model lighting (directional shading).
No messy .ms2 model mesh files (no glquake dir anymore either).
New improved crosshair (team color coded).
Improved image loading (smoother menus and such).
Ability to disable particle effects (cl_particles* cvars).
Decals (cl_decals cvar to enable).
Stainmaps (cl_stainmap cvar to enable).
Sorted transparent stuff to render better.
Improved multitexture support (r_textureunits (1-4 supported), needs gl_combine 1 because of overbright)
Improved chase cam (chase_active 1 no longer goes into walls)
More configurable console background (scr_conalpha and scr_conbrightness)
Optional fullbrights (r_fullbrights 0/1 followed by r_restart)
Dynamic Farclip (no distance limits in huge maps)
Improved gl_flashblend (now renders a corona instead of an ugly blob)
DynamicLight coronas (more realism)
Transparent statusbar (sbar_alpha) that does not block your view as much.
No 8bit texture uploads (fixes 'green' walls in the distance).
Fixed view blends (glquake was quite broken).
JPEG texture support using libjpeg (Thanks Elric)
Video Options, Color Control, and Effects Options menus added, and more options.
.dlit file support (produced by hmap2 -light) for fast per-pixel lighting without shadowing.
pointfile command is improved (for leak finding in maps when you have a .pnt file from a failed qbsp compile)
configurable particle effects (effectinfo.txt, can be reloaded at any time by cl_particles_reloadeffects command for quick testing)
fixed envmap command (makes a skybox of the current scene)
Sound features:
Ogg and wav file overrides for cd tracks (example: sound/cdtracks/track01.ogg or .wav) (Thanks Elric)
Streaming ogg sounds to save memory (Ogg sounds over a certain size are streamed automatically) (Thanks Elric)
Ogg Vorbis sound support (all .wav sounds look for .ogg if the .wav is missing, useful for making mods smaller, particularly useful for cd tracks) (Thanks Elric)
Stereo sound file support (useful for cd tracks)
7.1 surround sound mixing support (snd_channels cvar selects how many to use, default 2 for stereo)
Client features:
showtime cvar.
showdate cvar.
-benchmark option to run automated timedemo benchmarks (-benchmark demo1 does +timedemo demo1 and quits immediately when finished)
timedemo automatically puts results in gamedir/benchmark.log
Slightly improved aiming on quake servers (does not support proquake aiming).
-sndspeed samplerate (default: 44100, quake used 11025)
snd_swapstereo cvar (for people with backwards SB16 sound cards)
Saves video settings to config and restores them properly
Ability to change video settings during game (video options menu or vid_* cvars)
showfps cvar.
Sends 20fps network packets to improve modem play instead of one per frame. (sys_ticrate controls network framerate)
Allow skin colormaps 14 and 15 (freaky :)
Longer chat messages.
No more 72fps limit, cl_maxfps lets you decide.
Support for more mouse buttons (mouse1-mouse16, mwheelup/mwheeldown are aliases to mouse4 and mouse5).
Server browser for public (sv_public 1) darkplaces servers as well as quakeworld servers.
log_file cvar to log console messages to a file.
condump command to dump recent console history to a file.
PK3 archive support with compression support using zlib (Thanks Elric)
maps command lists installed maps
tab completion of map names on map/changelevel commands
tab completion of rcon commands
.ent file replacement allows you to modify sky and fog settings on a per-map basis (use sv_saveentfile command in singleplayer and then edit the worldspawn entity in a text editor, for example setting "sky" "mtnsun_" to load the skybox mtnsun_ in your favorite maps, or "fog" "0.03 0.2 0.2 0.2" to put fog in the level)
Switchable bindmaps (in_bind command allows you to bind keys in one of 8 bindmaps, 0-7, in_bindmap command allows you to select two active bindmaps to use at once, ones missing in the first are checked in the second)
Options menu "Reset to Defaults" option works better than in Quake
cvarlist and cmdlist commands
improved tab completion of commands and cvars, with default value and description listed
curl command (downloads a URL to a pk3 archive and loads it)
fs_rescan command (allows you to load a newly installed pak/pk3 archive without quitting the game)
saveconfig command (allows you to save settings before quitting the game, mostly useful when debugging the engine if you expect it to crash)
gamedir command to change current mod (only works while disconnected).
QuakeWorld support.
ProQuake message macros (%l location, %d last death location, %h health, %a armor, %x rockets, %c cells, %t current time, %r rocket launcher status (I need RL, I need rockets, I have RL), %p powerup status (quad pent ring), %w weapon status (SSG:NG:SNG:GL:RL:LG).
Support for ProQuake .loc files (locs/e1m1.loc or maps/e1m1.loc)
Support for QIZMO .loc files (maps/e1m1.loc)
Ingame editing of .loc files using locs_* commands (locs_save saves a new .loc file to maps directory)
bestweapon command (takes a number sequence like bestweapon 87654321, digits corresponding to weapons, first ones are preferred over last ones, only uses weapons that have 1 ammo or more)
ls and dir commands to list files in the Quake virtual filesystem (useful to find files inside paks)
toggle command allows you to use a single bind to toggle a cvar between 0 and 1
slowmo cvar allows you to pause/slow down/speed up demo playback (try using these binds for example: bind f1 "slowmo 0";bind f2 "slowmo 0.1";bind f3 "slowmo 1")
AVI video recording using builtin I420 codec (bind f4 "toggle cl_capturevideo"), with automatic creation of sequentially numbered avi files for each recording session. (WARNING: HUGE files, make sure you have several gigabytes of disk space available! and it is only recommended during demo playback! You will probably want to reencode these videos using VirtualDub, mencoder, or other utilities before posting them on a website)
ping display in scoreboard, even on Quake servers (on DarkPlaces servers it also shows packet loss)
- Tested on AmigaOS 4.1 FE with X1000 NEMO
- Code optimised and cleanup for the low PowerPC
- Support Joystick
- Support lan
- Support PNG JPEG TGA
- Support OGG
All my Gold/Silver and Hardware supporters (Thank you very much for your big support and big Donations) :
* AmicaIT
* Cloverskull
* George Sakianos
* Kikems
* Maijestro
* Gardian Of The Blind
* Dwayne Jarvis
Thanks go to:
My children "Matthis" and "Sorhenn" for allowing me some time to develop
Hyperion Entertainment For the development of Amiga OS 4.0 and 4.1
A-EON for all new 3D drivers (Hans for NOVA and Daniel for Ogles2)
Relec for my X1000 NEMO and AMEDIA (AAA) for my X5000/40 my A1222 Plus (TABOR)
George Sakianos for my new cool web site and SDK clib4 package
All my betatesters
And of course the whole AMIGA community and my generous donators.
Bugreports for AmigaOS 4x at
NOUVEL (HunoPPC) Hugues (your humble servant)
Site Dev AmigaOS4: http://hunoppc.a1k.org
My ko-fi site: https://ko-fi.com/hunoppc
"Don't forget to make a small gesture, make a donation for the hours and work done if you still want to have free ports, thank you in advance and have fun."
Donate to hunoppc(AT)gmail.com or if you want to treat me to a beer or parts for my MAZDA RX8 /_\ (rotary experience) :-)
Amiga French Team 2024