Dragon Memory NG Full version

Dragon Memory NG is a simple but fun memory game with very detailed graphics and addictive gameplay.
Original Author of Dragon Memory
(c) Santiago Radeff Leria 2011
Full version special for AmigaOS4
30 Levels - 6 graphics themes - Great music - A lot of fun :)
AmigaOS 4.1 Bonus and Port by HunoPPC with the Amiga French Team 2016-2024
*Version 1.40 AOS4 NG unique version by HunoPPC 2025
-Added 15 levels (wrapped of linux version)
-Fixed free ressources
-Added new sound engine for original music
-Added EGL_Wrap verion and MiniGL version
-Fixed gl swap
-Fixed intensive CPU usage
All my Gold/Silver and Hardware supporters (Thank you very much for your big support and big Donations) :
* AmicaIT
* Cloverskull
* George Sakianos
* Kikems
* Maijestro
* Gardian Of The Blind
* Dwayne Jarvis
Thanks go to:
My children "Matthis" and "Sorhenn" for allowing me some time to develop
Hyperion Entertainment For the development of Amiga OS 4.0 and 4.1
A-EON for all new 3D drivers (Hans for NOVA and Daniel for Ogles2)
Relec for my X1000 NEMO and AMEDIA (AAA) for my X5000/40 my A1222 Plus (TABOR)
George Sakianos for my new cool web site and SDK clib4 package
Afxgroup for clib4
Marek for SPE clib4
All my betatesters
And of course the whole AMIGA community and my generous donators.
Bugreports for AmigaOS 4x at
NOUVEL (HunoPPC) Hugues (your humble servant)
Site Dev AmigaOS4: http://hunoppc.a1k.org
My ko-fi site: https://ko-fi.com/hunoppc
"Don't forget to make a small gesture, make a donation for the hours and work done if you still want to have free ports, thank you in advance and have fun."
Donate to hunoppc(AT)gmail.com or if you want to treat me to a beer or parts for my MAZDA RX8 /_\ (rotary experience) :-)
Amiga French Team 2024