Rise_of_the_Triad engine

Rise_of_the_Triad engine v1.1.1 OS4
AmigaOS Port by Hugues "HunoPPC" Nouvel - Amiga French Team 2012
This game port is provided with the official Shareware data file from Apogee. Please purchase the full game if you like it.
Thank you.
- Install the Gus_soundfont in your libs for MIDI support
- Copy the folder data file in the game directory and run the game, either the full game if you have the full game data or the demo game
- Enjoy
- Tested on AmigaOS 4.1 on AmigaOne G3 / G4 and SAM EP440 at 667 Mhz FLEX at 800 Mhz and Sam 460ex
- code optimised and cleanup for the low PowerPC and SDL Amiga, speed increase.
- Support Joystick with HunoJoywrapper
- Support MIDI with Gus_soundfont
- Lots of speedups
My children to me allow time to develop
Hyperion Entertainment - For the development of Amiga OS 4.0 and 4.1
and the AMIGA community
Send Bugreports for the AmigaOS 4.x version to :
NOUVEL (HunoPPC) Hugues
Donate to hunoppc(AT)gmail.com