Return to wolfenstein castle

Return to Castle Wolfenstein is a first-person shooter video game published by Activision and originally released on November 19, 2001 for Microsoft Windows and subsequently for PlayStation 2, Xbox, Linux and Macintosh. This single player game was developed by Gray Matter Interactive and Nerve Software developed its multiplayer mode. id Software, the creators of Wolfenstein 3D, oversaw the development and were credited as executive producers. The multiplayer side eventually became the most popular part of the game, and was influential in the genre. Splash Damage, an independently owned game developer in London, created some of the maps for the Game of the Year edition. Splash Damage also developed a downloadable multi-player only sequel called Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, which is one of the most popular free downloadable games on the internet.[2] A sequel, titled Wolfenstein, was released on August 18, 2009.
Final release:
EGL_wrap and MiniGL versions
Return to Castle Wolfenstein RTCW-NG OpenGLes 2.0 Warp3D NOVA and GL4es with EGL_wrap library
Please install my library EGL_wrap version 0.7.12 minimum, download this on my site here:
Please update your libs Warp3D NOVA , Opengles 2.0 and new radeon HD driver
Delete your OLDER install of RTCW and add just a new data on archive.
Porting by Hugues 'HunoPPC' Nouvel '2019', based on Return to Castle Wolfenstein by Id Software
AmigaOS4 EGL_wrap beta version (WIP)
RTCW-SP on x1000: 70 fps on 1280x1024 with wolfconfig.cfg original on this archive
If you disable intro video change to 0 = seta com_introplayed "0" on config file, thanks
First EGL_wrap AOS4 25/12/2018 Version 1.3:
* Many animations are disabled on renderer (alpha is not validate on internal lib, fix is on the road)
* MipMaping not perfect and not loaded by default, i work on.
* Shadow is not perfect W.I.P
* Many textures and objects are not loaded, problem on shaders, i work on.
and other problems and stuffs not included on my lib :-) W.I.P
Second EGL_wrap AOS4 03/02/2019 Version 1.51c:
* Activate internal shader (partial actually)
* Increase speedup with a texture HD
* All cvars-news on this engine :
### Console
#### New cvars
* cg_fixedAspect ( 0 ) - Use aspect corrected HUD/UI ( 0 = Off, 1 = 4:3 style, 2 = Widescreen style )
* cg_fixedAspectFOV ( 1 ) - Use aspect correct FOV when using cg_fixedAspect cvar ( 0 = Off - Use cg_fov, 1 = Automatic FOV based on resolution )
* cl_autoRecordDemo ( 0 ) - record a new demo on each map change
* cl_aviFrameRate ( 25 )- the framerate to use when capturing video
* cl_aviMotionJpeg ( 1 ) - use the mjpeg codec when capturing video
* cl_guidServerUniq ( 1 ) - makes cl_guid unique for each server
* cl_cURLLib - filename of cURL library to load
* cl_consoleKeys - space delimited list of key names or characters that toggle the console
* cl_mouseAccelStyle ( 0 )- Set to 1 for QuakeLive mouse acceleration behaviour, 0 for standard
* cl_mouseAccelOffset ( 5 ) - Tuning the acceleration curve, see below
* con_autochat ( 1 ) - Set to 0 to disable sending console input text as chat when there is not a slash at the beginning
* con_autoclear ( 1 ) - Set to 0 to disable clearing console input text when console is closed
* in_availableJoysticks - list of available Joysticks
* in_keyboardDebug - print keyboard debug info
* j_forward - Joystick analogue to m_forward, for forward movement speed/direction.
* j_side - Joystick analogue to m_side, for side movement speed/direction.
* j_up - Joystick up movement speed/direction.
* j_pitch - Joystick analogue to m_pitch, for pitch rotation speed/direction.
* j_yaw - Joystick analogue to m_yaw, for yaw rotation speed/direction.
* j_forward_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls forward/back.
* j_side_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls left/right.
* j_up_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls up/down.
* j_pitch_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls pitch.
* j_yaw_axis - Selects which joystick axis controls yaw.
* s_useOpenAL ( 1 ) - use the OpenAL sound backend if available
* s_alPrecache ( 1 ) - cache OpenAL sounds before use
* s_alGain ( 1.0 ) - the value of AL_GAIN for each source
* s_alSources ( 128 ) - the total number of sources to allocate
* s_alDopplerFactor ( 1.0 ) - the value passed to alDopplerFactor
* s_alDopplerSpeed ( 9000 ) - the value passed to alDopplerVelocity
* s_alMinDistance ( 128 ) - the value of AL_REFERENCE_DISTANCE for each source
* s_alMaxDistance ( 1024 )- the maximum distance before sounds starts to become inaudible.
* s_alRolloff ( 2 ) - the value of AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR for each source
* s_alGraceDistance ( 512 ) - after having passed MaxDistance, length until sounds are completely inaudible
* s_alDriver - which OpenAL library to use
* s_alDevice - which OpenAL device to use
* s_alAvailableDevices - list of available OpenAL devices
* s_alInputDevice - which OpenAL input device to use
* s_alAvailableInputDevices - list of available OpenAL input devices
* s_sdlBits - SDL bit resolution
* s_sdlSpeed - SDL sample rate
* s_sdlChannels - SDL number of channels
* s_sdlDevSamps - SDL DMA buffer size override
* s_sdlMixSamps - SDL mix buffer size override
* s_backend - read only, indicates the current sound backend
* s_muteWhenMinimized - mute sound when minimized
* s_muteWhenUnfocused - mute sound when window is unfocused
* sv_dlRate - bandwidth allotted to PK3 file downloads via UDP, in kbyte/s
* sv_dlURL - the base of the HTTP or FTP site that holds custom pk3 files for your server
* com_ansiColor - enable use of ANSI escape codes in the terminal
* com_altivec - enable use of altivec on PowerPC systems
* com_standalone (read only) - If set to 1, RTCW is running in standalone mode
* com_basegame - Use a different base than main. If no original RTCW pak files are found, this will enable running in standalone mode
* com_homepath - Specify name that is to be appended to the home path
* com_legacyprotocol - Specify protocol version number for legacy RTCW 1.4 protocol, see "Network protocols" section below (startup only)
* com_legacyversion - Use vanilla RTCW 1.41 version string for game server browser visibility
* com_maxfpsUnfocused - Maximum frames per second when unfocused
* com_maxfpsMinimized - Maximum frames per second when minimized
* com_busyWait - Will use a busy loop to wait for rendering next frame when set to non-zero value
* com_pipefile - Specify filename to create a named pipe through which other processes can control the server while it is running. ( Nonfunctional on Windows. )
* com_gamename - Gamename sent to master server in getservers[Ext] query and infoResponse "gamename" infostring value. Also used for filtering local network games.
* com_protocol - Specify protocol version number for current iortcw protocol, see "Network protocols" section below (startup only)
* sv_banFile - Name of the file that is used for storing the server bans
* net_ip6 - IPv6 address to bind to
* net_port6 - port to bind to using the ipv6 address
* net_mcast6addr - multicast address to use for scanning for IPv6 servers on the local network
* net_mcastiface - outgoing interface to use for scan
* net_enabled - enable networking, bitmask. Add up number for option to enable it:
Enable IPv4 networking: 1
Enable IPv6 networking: 2
Prioritize IPv6 over IPv4: 4
Disable multicast support: 8
* r_allowResize - make window resizable
* r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic - anisotropic texture filtering
* r_zProj - distance of observer camera to projection plane in quake3 standard units
* r_greyscale - desaturate textures, useful for anaglyph, supports values in the range of 0 to 1
* r_stereoEnabled - enable stereo rendering for techniques like shutter glasses (untested)
* r_anaglyphMode - Enable rendering of anaglyph images
red-cyan glasses: 1
red-blue: 2
red-green: 3
green-magenta: 4
To swap the colors for left and right eye just add 4 to the value for the wanted color combination. For red-blue and red-green you probably want to enable r_greyscale
* r_stereoSeparation - Control eye separation. Resulting separation is r_zProj divided by this value in quake3 standard units. See also for more information
* r_marksOnTriangleMeshes - Support impact marks on md3 models, MOD developers should increase the mark triangle limits in cg_marks.c if they intend to use this.
* r_sdlDriver - read only, indicates the SDL driver backend being used
* r_noborder - Remove window decoration from window managers, like borders and titlebar.
* r_screenshotJpegQuality - Controls quality of jpeg screenshots captured using screenshotJPEG
* r_aviMotionJpegQuality - Controls quality of video capture when cl_aviMotionJpeg is enabled
* r_mode -2 - This new video mode automatically uses the desktop resolution.
#### New commands
* video [filename]- start video capture (use with demo command)
* stopvideo - stop video capture
* stopmusic - stop background music
* minimize - Minimize the game and show desktop
* togglemenu - causes escape key event for opening/closing menu, or going to a previous menu. works in binds, even in UI
* print - print out the contents of a cvar
* unset - unset a user created cvar
* banaddr ( range ) - ban an IP address range from joining a game on this server, valid ( range ) is either playernum or CIDR notation address range.
* exceptaddr ( range ) - exempt an IP address range from a ban.
* bandel ( range ) - delete ban (either range or ban number)
* exceptdel ( range ) - delete exception (either range or exception number)
* listbans - list all currently active bans and exceptions
* rehashbans - reload the banlist from serverbans.dat
* flushbans - delete all bans
* net_restart - restart network subsystem to change latched settings
* game_restart ( fs_game ) - Switch to another mod
* which ( filename/path ) - print out the path on disk to a loaded item
* execq ( filename ) - quiet exec command, doesn't print "execing file.cfg"
* kicknum ( client number ) - kick a client by number, same as clientkick command
* kickall - kick all clients, similar to "kick all" ( but kicks everyone even if someone is named "all" )
* kickbots - kick all bots, similar to "kick allbots" (but kicks all bots even if someone is named "allbots")
* tell ( client num ) msg - send message to a single client (new to server)
* cvar_modified [filter] - list modified cvars, can filter results (such as "r*" for renderer cvars) like cvarlist which lists all cvars
* addbot random - the bot name "random" now selects a random bot
*New renders mode:
"Mode 0: 320x240 (4:3)"
"Mode 1: 400x300 (4:3)"
"Mode 2: 512x384 (4:3)"
"Mode 3: 640x480 (4:3)"
"Mode 4: 800x600 (4:3)"
"Mode 5: 960x720 (4:3)"
"Mode 6: 1024x768 (4:3)"
"Mode 7: 1152x864 (4:3)"
"Mode 8: 1280x1024 (5:4)"
"Mode 9: 1600x1200 (4:3)"
"Mode 10: 2048x1536 (4:3)"
"Mode 11: 856x480 (16:9)"
"Mode 12: 640x360 (16:9)"
"Mode 13: 640x400 (16:10)"
"Mode 14: 800x450 (16:9)"
"Mode 15: 800x500 (16:10)"
"Mode 16: 1024x640 (16:10)"
"Mode 17: 1024x576 (16:9)"
"Mode 18: 1280x720 (16:9)"
"Mode 19: 1280x768 (16:10)"
"Mode 20: 1280x800 (16:10)"
"Mode 21: 1280x960 (4:3)"
"Mode 22: 1440x900 (16:10)"
"Mode 23: 1600x900 (16:9)"
"Mode 24: 1600x1000 (16:10)"
"Mode 25: 1680x1050 (16:10)"
"Mode 26: 1920x1080 (16:9)"
"Mode 27: 1920x1200 (16:10)"
"Mode 28: 1920x1440 (4:3)"
"Mode 29: 2560x1600 (16:10)"
*Opengles 2.0 backend with EGL_wrap and GL4es
* OpenAL sound API support (multiple speaker support and better sound quality)
* AVI video capture of demos
* Much improved console autocompletion
* Persistent console history
* Colorized terminal output
* Optional Ogg Vorbis support
* Support for various esoteric operating systems
* cl_guid support
* HTTP/FTP download redirection (using cURL)
* PNG support
* Many, many bug fixes for your preasure :-)
Thanks go to:
My children "Matthis" and "Sorhënn" for allowing me some time to develop
Hyperion Entertainment - For the development of Amiga OS 4.0 and 4.1
Relec for my X1000 NEMO and my X5000
George Sakianos for my new cool web site
Lio, Samo79, K-L, zzd10h, Javier de las Rivas, Pseudaxos, Salternaos, Elwood, Alain Thellier, Sinisrus, Ölrick, Alex, Corto, Daytona, PtitSeb, Kas1e, Xray, A-eon and all my betatesters on my site
My All My Donators ;o)
And of course the whole AMIGA community
For lib GL4es donate to PtitSeb at
Bugreports for AmigaOS 4x at
NOUVEL (HunoPPC) Hugues
Mail and donate to: hunoppc(AT)