AmigaOS 4.x

AmigaOS 4.x

Sonic Robo Blast 2

Sonic Robot Blast 2 by Sonic Team Junior, AOS4 port by Hugues Nouvel (HunoPPC)
version 1.09r4, Released at the "Amigateries 2010" (Villers-les-pots, FRANCE)


Awaker is a game in which you control a small black square, The aim is to reach the end of the level before the adversary, while avoiding the guards, because if you then move that it is activated, you will be returned to the top level and will catch up.. Now enjoy Amigans !!!

RickD (Rick Dangerous 1 & 2)

RickD AmigaOS 4.1

AmigaOS 4.1 Port by HunoPPC with the Amiga French Team 2017 at VillersWEST

Keyboard F1 = Fullscreen

rickyd (0.2.0) (first release AmigaOS4)

Library EGL_wrapper for OpenGLES 2.0

Beta Beta Beta Work In Progress please update immediately your all games/API after this new release
LibEGL_wrap Version 0.7.21 2023
Minimal required:
Warp3DNova.library Version 54 revision 16
ogles2.library Version 3 revision 3
INTRO: This library was designed as an all-in-one system to be able to make games and to be able to allow easy ports for our AmigaOS4 system
    Don't hesitate to get started and let me know of any problems or missing functions so that it can become a powerful development kit

Super Nintendo / Super Famicom emulator Snes9X NG

Snes9X AmigaOS 4.1
Snes9X  AmigaOS 4.1 Port by HunoPPC with the Amiga French Team 2016-2024
*MSU1 supported
*OPTICAL supported
*MOUSE supported
*JOYPADS supported 
Snes9x is a Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom emulator specially ported and heavily optimized by HunoPPC on AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
IMPORTANT: Snes9x was compiled with the new SDK, need AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition. Doesn't work with former version of the OS. Please!! update your System after using this work.
Minimal newlib.library 53.80 is required

World of padman

World of Padman (WoP) is an open source first-person shooter video game available in both English and German.

Return to wolfenstein castle

Return to Castle Wolfenstein is a first-person shooter video game published by Activision and originally released on November 19, 2001 for Microsoft Windows and subsequently for PlayStation 2

Enemy Territory: Legacy

Enemy Territory: Legacy, an open source project that aims to create a fully compatible client and server for the popular online FPS game Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory - whose gameplay is still considered unmatched by many, despite its great age.
We consider ourselves as an international community of developers and users keeping Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory alive and up to date. Our development is a collaborative effort done in an open, transparent and friendly manner.
Anyone is welcome to join our efforts!

Aliens versus Predator 2000

Aliens versus Predator for PPC-AmigaOS4 EGL_Warp and MiniGL
The source code to Aliens Vs Predator is copyright (c) 1999-2000
Rebellion and is provided as is with no warranty for its suitability for use.
You may not use this source code in full or in part for commercial purposes.
Any use must include a clearly visible credit to Rebellion as the creators and
owners, and reiteration of this license.

Heboris C7EX - unofficial version (YGS2K EX)

Heboris C7EX - unofficial version (YGS2K EX)
AmigaOS4 port by HunoPPC 2016
First version for AmigaOS4
This repository would likely be maintained to some degree, but no major changes would be made to the actual games functionality for the most part. Some simple fixes and changes may be added, and will be listed in this section if so.


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